Kumar, Chitranshu, Aeid Igbaria, Benoit D autreaux, Anne-Ga elle Planson, Christophe Junot, Emmanuel Godat, Anand K Bachhawat, Agnès Delaunay-Moisan, and Michel B Toledano. 2011. “Glutathione revisited: a vital function in iron metabolism and ancillary role in thiol-redox control”. The EMBO Journal 30 (10): 2044-56.

Glutathione contributes to thiol-redox control and to extra-mitochondrial irong-sulphur cluster (ISC) maturation. To determine the physiological importance of these functions and sort out those that account for the GSH requirement for viability, we performed a comprehensive analysis of yeast cells depleted of or containing toxic levels of GSH. Both conditions triggered an intense iron starvation-like response and impaired the activity of extra-mitochondrial ISC enzymes but did not impact thiol-redox maintenance, except for high glutathione levels that altered oxidative protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum. While iron partially rescued the ISC maturation and growth defects of GSH-depleted cells, genetic experiments indicated that unlike thioredoxin, glutathione could not support by itself the thiol-redox duties of the cell. We propose that glutathione is essential by its requirement in ISC assembly, but only serves as a thioredoxin backup in cytosolic thiol-redox maintenance. Glutathione-high physiological levels are thus meant to insulate its cytosolic function in iron metabolism from variations of its concentration during redox stresses, a model challenging the traditional view of it as prime actor in thiol-redox control. © 2011 European Molecular Biology Organization


Chiappetta, Giovanni, Sega Ndiaye, Aeid Igbaria, Chitranshu Kumar, Joelle Vinh, and Michel B Toledano. 2010. “Proteome screens for Cys residues oxidation: the redoxome”. Methods in Enzymology 473: 199-216.

The oxidation of the cysteine (Cys) residue to sulfenic (–S–OH), disulfide (–S–S–), or S-nitroso (S–NO) forms are thought to be a posttranslational modifications that regulate protein function. However, despite a few solid examples of its occurrence, thiol-redox regulation of protein function is still debated and often seen as an exotic phenomenon. A systematic and exhaustive characterization of all oxidized Cys residues, an experimental approach called redox proteomics or redoxome analysis, should help establish the physiological scope of Cys residue oxidation and give clues to its mechanisms. Redox proteomics still remains a technical challenge, mainly because of the labile nature of thiol-redox reactions and the lack of tools to directly detect the modified residues. Here we consider recent technical advances in redox proteomics, focusing on a gel-based fluorescent method and on the shotgun OxICAT technique.


Igbaria, Aeid, Sophie Lev, Mark S Rose, Bee Na Lee, Ruthi Hadar, Ofir Degani, and Benjamin A Horwitz. 2008. “Distinct and combined roles of the MAP kinases of Cochliobolus heterostrophus in virulence and stress responses”. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 21 (6): 769-80.

Pathogenicity mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), related to yeast FUS3/KSS1, are essential for virulence in fungi, including Cochliobolus heterostrophus, a necrotrophic pathogen causing Southern corn leaf blight. We compared the phenotypes of mutants in three MAPK genes: HOG1, MPS1, and CHK1. The chk1 and mps1 mutants show autolytic appearance, light pigmentation, and dramatic reduction in virulence and conidiation. Similarity of mps1 and chk1 mutants is reflected by coregulation by these two MAPKs of several genes. Unlike chk1, mps1 mutants are female-fertile and form normal-looking appressoria. HOG1 mediates resistance to hyperosmotic and, to a lesser extent, oxidative stress, and is required for stress upregulation of glycerol-3-phosphate phosphatase, transaldolase, and a monosaccharide transporter. Hog1, but not Mps1 or Chk1, was rapidly phosphorylated in response to increased osmolarity. The hog1 mutants have smaller appressoria and cause decreased disease symptoms on maize leaves. Surprisingly, loss of MPS1 in a wild-type or hog1 background improved resistance to some stresses. All three MAPKs contribute to the regulation of central developmental functions under normal and stress conditions, and full virulence cannot be achieved without appropriate input from all three pathways. © 2008 The American Phytopathological Society.


Eliahu, Noa, Aeid Igbaria, Mark S Rose, Benjamin A Horwitz, and Sophie Lev. 2007. “Melanin biosynthesis in the maize pathogen Cochliobolus heterostrophus depends on two mitogen-activated protein kinases, Chk1 and Mps1, and the transcription factor Cmr1”. Eukaryotic Cell 6 (3): 421-29.

The maize pathogen Cochliobolus heterostrophus requires two mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), Chk1 and Mps1, to produce normal pigmentation. Young colonies of mps1 and chk1 deletion mutants have a white and autolytic appearance, which was partially rescued by a hyperosmotic environment. We isolated the transcription factor Cmr1, an ortholog of Colletotrichum lagenarium Cmr1 and Magnaporthe grisea Pig1, which regulates melanin biosynthesis in C. heterostrophus. Deletion of CMR1 in C. heterostrophus resulted in mutants that lacked dark pigmentation and acquired an orange-pink color. In cmr1 deletion strains the expression of putative scytalone dehydratase (SCD1) and hydroxynaphthalene reductase (BRN1 and BRN2) genes involved in melanin biosynthesis was undetectable, whereas expression of PKS18, encoding a polyketide synthase, was only moderately reduced. In chk1 and mps1 mutants expression of PKS18, SCD1, BRN1, BRN2, and the transcription factor CMR1 itself was very low in young colonies, sliglitly up-regulated in aging colonies, and significantly induced in hyperosmotic conditions, compared to invariably high expression in the wild type. These findings indicate that two MAPKs, Chk1 and Mps1, affect Cmr1 at the transcriptional level and this influence is partially overridden in stress conditions including aging culture and hyperosmotic environment. Surprisingly, we found that the CMR1 gene was transcribed in both sense and antisense directions, apparently producing mRNA as well as a long noncoding RNA transcript. Expression of the antisense CMR1 was also Chk1 and Mps1 dependent. Analysis of chromosomal location of the melanin biosynthesis genes in C. heterostrophus resulted in identification of a small gene cluster comprising BRN1, CMR1, and PKS18. Since expression of all three genes depends on Chk1 and Mps1 MAPKs, we suggest their possible epigenetic regulation. Copyright © 2007, American Society for Microbiology.