Publications by Year: 2017


Bodvard, Kristofer, Ken Peeters, Friederike Roger, Natalie Romanov, Aeid Igbaria, Niek Welkenhuysen, Ga el Palais, et al. 2017. “Light-sensing via hydrogen peroxide and a peroxiredoxin”. Nature Communications 8 (1): 1-11.

Yeast lacks dedicated photoreceptors; however, blue light still causes pronounced oscillations of the transcription factor Msn2 into and out of the nucleus. Here we show that this poorly understood phenomenon is initiated by a peroxisomal oxidase, which converts light into a hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2) signal that is sensed by the peroxiredoxin Tsa1 and transduced to thioredoxin, to counteract PKA-dependent Msn2 phosphorylation. Upon H 2 O 2, the nuclear retention of PKA catalytic subunits, which contributes to delayed Msn2 nuclear concentration, is antagonized in a Tsa1-dependent manner. Conversely, peroxiredoxin hyperoxidation interrupts the H 2 O 2 signal and drives Msn2 oscillations by superimposing on PKA feedback regulation. Our data identify a mechanism by which light could be sensed in all cells lacking dedicated photoreceptors. In particular, the use of H 2 O 2 as a second messenger in signalling is common to Msn2 oscillations and to light-induced entrainment of circadian rhythms and suggests conserved roles for peroxiredoxins in endogenous rhythms.

Ponsero, Alise J, Aeid Igbaria, Maxwell A Darch, Samia Miled, Caryn E Outten, Jakob R Winther, Gael Palais, Benoit D’autreaux, Agnès Delaunay-Moisan, and Michel B Toledano. 2017. “Endoplasmic reticulum transport of glutathione by Sec61 is regulated by Ero1 and Bip”. Molecular Cell 67 (6): 962-73.

In the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), Ero1 catalyzes disulfide bond formation and promotes glutathione (GSH) oxidation to GSSG. Since GSSG cannot be reduced in the ER, maintenance of the ER glutathione redox state and levels likely depends on ER glutathione import and GSSG export. We used quantitative GSH and GSSG biosensors to monitor glutathione import into the ER of yeast cells. We found that glutathione enters the ER by facilitated diffusion through the Sec61 protein-conducting channel, while oxidized Bip (Kar2) inhibits transport. Increased ER glutathione import triggers H2O2-dependent Bip oxidation through Ero1 reductive activation, which inhibits glutathione import in a negative regulatory loop. During ER stress, transport is activated by UPR-dependent Ero1 induction, and cytosolic glutathione levels increase. Thus, the ER redox poise is tuned by reciprocal control of glutathione import and Ero1 activation. The ER protein-conducting channel is permeable to small molecules, provided the driving force of a concentration gradient. Ponsero et al. show that cytosol-to-ER transport of glutathione proceeds via facilitated diffusion through Sec61. Upon import, glutathione activates Ero1 by reduction, causing Bip oxidation and inhibition of glutathione transport. Coupling of glutathione ER import to Ero1 activation provides a basis for glutathione ER redox poise maintenance. © 2017 Elsevier Inc.