Najenson, Jonathan, Rut Zaks-Ohayon, Joseph Tzelgov, and Nir Fresco. Forthcoming. “Practice Makes Better? The Influence of Increased Practice on Task Conflict in the Stroop Task.”. Memory & Cognition, Forthcoming.
Fresco, Nir, Marc Artiga, and Marty J Wolf. 2024. “Teleofunction in the Service of Computational Individuation”. Philosophy of Science.
Colombo, Matteo, and Nir Fresco. 2024. “Why Perceptual Experiences Cannot Be Probabilistic”. The Philosophical Quarterly.
Fresco, Nir, and Lotem Elber Dorozko. 2024. “Scientists Invent New Hypotheses, Do Brains?”. Cognitive Science.
Fresco, Nir. 2022. “Information in Explaining Cognition: How to Evaluate It?”. Philosophies 7 (2). .
Fresco, Nir, Joseph Tzelgov, and Lior Shmuelof. 2022. “How Can Caching Explain Automaticity?”. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.
Papayannopoulos, Philippos, Nir Fresco, and Oron Shagrir. 2022. “Computational Indeterminacy and Explanations in Cognitive Science”. Biology and Philosophy.
Papayannopoulos, Philippos, Nir Fresco, and Oron Shagrir. 2021. “On Two Different Kinds of Computational Indeterminacy.”
Fresco, Nir, Jack Copeland, and Marty J. Wolf. (2025) 2021. “The Indeterminacy of Computation”. Synthese.
2021. “Information, Cognition, and Objectivity”. American Philosophical Quarterly 58 (3): 251.