Cowboy of Roses": Anthropological and sociological views of Men and Masculinities in Israel

Year offered

This course examines how gendered social order affects how men experience themselves, other men, women, and social situations through the concept of masculinities. The students will be exposed to masculinities studies as a discipline and as a social, political and economic phenomenon. The course is designed to familiarise the students with the concept of masculinity and examine how the modern era, characterized by ambiguity and confusion regarding the idea of masculinity, affects men who suffer from an identity crisis when traditional masculine values ​​can no longer adequately serve them. Through sociological and anthropological theories concerning men and masculinities, the students will conduct a critical and interdisciplinary examination of the social construction of men and masculinities in multiple cultural and historical contexts. Alongside focusing on Israeli masculinity's social and historic structure, the course will deal with various issues such as initiation ceremonies, militarism, masculinity and sexuality, fatherhood, masculinity and sports, masculinity and work, and the intersections of gender, nationality, ethnicity and class.