Bilik, Igal. 2016. “Beam Pattern-Diversity-Based Direction of Arrival Estimation.”
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Publications by Author: Igal Bilik
Bilik, Igal. 2016. “Tire Remote Monitoring Using RF Sensing.”
Bilik, Igal. 2016. “Extended Angular Resolution in Sensor Arrays Using Secondary Echoes”. Google Patents.
Bilik, Igal. 2015. “Automatic Tuning of the Radar Parameters Based on the Statistical Driver’s Behavior.”
Bilik, Igal. 2014. “Textured Fascia Surface for Robust RF Performance.”
Bilik, Igal. 2014. “Method and Apparatus for Transmit and Receive Beamforming Using Aperture Coding.”
Bilik, Igal. 2013. “Radar Target Simulator Using Translucent Reflector.”
Bilik, Igal. 2012. “Elastic Ultrawideband Sensor Array.”